On Saturday 23rd December from 4.00pm to 8.00 pm, the Altar servers of the parish met for their second formation meeting led by Fr Anthony and accompanied by the parish team of Michelle, Sharon, James, Debbie and Elizabeth.

Father Anthony began the formation by giving instruction on the Mass and its parts and their meaning, the various objects used in the liturgy (their names and use), and the various functions of the Altar Server during the Mass and other liturgical celebrations.
The servers were made to understand their responsibilities and to carry them out well and with appropriate reverence.
After the formation the Altar servers gathered in the Parish hall for their Christmas party organised by Michelle Friend, Sharon Boylett, James & Debbie Fitzpatrick.
It was an evening full of games, quizzes, dance and karaoke singing, which the servers enjoyed to the fullest.
Plenty of snacks, giant size piazzas and drinks were organized by the social team, where everyone ate to their hearts content.
The below photographs speak for themselves. Each server received a box of celebration chocolates as their Christmas present from the parish.
Please register your child if you wish them to serve at the Altar of Jesus.
The online form is open to parents of children who have already received their First Holy Communion and who attend Sunday Mass every week.
by Fr Anthony Lobo
Click below if you would like to register interest in becoming an Altar Server: