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Fr Tony’s Golden Jubilee

Over the weekend of 20/21 July 2024 the parish welcomed back our former parish priest of 28 years, Fr Tony Sultana, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood.  Fr Tony was the main celebrant for the Vigil Mass at 5.30pm on Saturday 20 July exactly 50...

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Flower Arranging Workshop

Thursday 11th July 2024 was our monthly meeting of the Mamma Margherita Senior Club. Ian welcomed members and thanked them for their generous donations at last month’s meeting for The Sean Devereux Trust. Jane Fensome, who has a wonderful talent for flower arranging, gave us a step-by-step workshop on how...

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Cricket Victory by Two Runs

Cricket report – St Peter’s CofE church v OLSD – played at Frimley Lodge Park Thurs 11 July 2024 at 6,00pm   Coming into our fourth match of the season we had won one, lost one and our home match against St Peter’s was cancelled owing to rain.   We...

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First Holy Communion

Over the past two weekends we have celebrated the First Holy Communion of 46 of our young parishioners.  Sunday 9th June, 12 noon – first group Sunday 16th June, 12 noon – second group This is a profound moment in the spiritual journey of our children as they receive the...

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Confirmation Retreat on ‘Forgiveness’

On Saturday, the 18 May was the 11th confirmation session for this year’s candidates and was also their second day retreat as a group.   This theme of the retreat was ‘Forgiveness’ and more importantly the forgiveness and grace that Christ gives us in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.   The sessions...

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Basic Life Support Course

On Friday 17 May 2024 we welcomed Tom Taylor, a Paramedic Practitioner from Salus Medical Services, who delivered a Basic Life Support Course to a group of parishioners. The course provided instruction on what to do for a person who loses consciousness as a result of a heart attack, choking...

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New Handrail

A new handrail has been fitted in the middle of the steps outside the Church entrance.  This has been installed on the recommendation of Maurice McSharry our Health and Safety Officer (pictured above) who was concerned that the existing wide steps were a safety hazard. Thanks go to Maurice for liaising...

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Good Shepherd Sunday

Praying for Vocations Jesus said “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd is one who lays down his life for his sheep.”  John: 10:11-12 In 1964, Pope Paul VI, launched Vocations Sunday, which we celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Easter, also called ‘Good Shepherd Sunday’ (21 April 2024)....

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Parents Meeting – The Eucharist

On Tuesday 23 April 2024 we held our fourth meeting for our First Holy Communion children’s parents.  The theme of the meeting was Eucharist.  Fr Anthony opened the meeting by talking about the “real presence.”  The understanding that the children are actually receiving Jesus’ body and blood in the Eucharist....

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Interim PPC Meeting

The Interim Pastoral Pastoral Council held its first full working meeting on Thursday 18 April 2024.  We start with prayer, and the meeting directly follows Adoration to help us be guided by the Lord.   Here are some highlights: A small subgroup has been set up to draw up a parish...

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