Session Three – Who is Jesus?

On Friday the 4th of January from 7-8.30pm our lead Catechist, Anthony led our confirmation group for its third session, the evening was like the last session a mix of prayer, fun games, a video testimony and meeting in small groups to discuss who Jesus Christ is?, and the power of having him at the centre of our lives. 

At the start of the session we collected the youngsters phones into a box so they could focus on the session, separated from the distractions of the outside world. The session started with a prayer led by one of the Catechists and the lighting of a candle to welcome the light of Christ into our hearts.

At the start of the session we watched a video which showed the testimony of a woman, who told us of her journey to Christ, like many of us it was not an easy journey and one filled with suffering, but in the end the goodness of Christ prevails in our lives, The Video reaffirmed the utmost importance that Christ plays in our lives, and it reaffirmed the fact that the greatest suffering we can face in our lives is to not know Christ. 

After we watched the video we went to our groups in which the Children discussed who Christ is to them and the importance he plays in our lives, the Catechists then told each other who Christ is to them and what part he plays in their lives, the Catechists then talked to the groups about the role Christ plays in their lives and the importance of putting God first in their lives.

After the group discussion there was a game/demonstration on how we can become bogged down in our lives from our sin and how if we come to Christ and rely on him he will take our burden away from us. The game involved one youngster carrying a bag on his back from one side of the church hall to the other and each time he completed a lap from side to side, and each time adding a brick into the bag to represent a struggle in life. As the bag got heavier and heavier it was more and more difficult to move, but after praying the bricks were removed and walking became much easier, this represents how pray can help us to come closer to Christ and how life’s challenges can be overcome through him, because all is possible for Christ.

After this game the session ended with a prayer.

Picture of Guillaume Thompson
Guillaume Thompson