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Mass & Services

Worship & Prayer as a Community


  • Saturday 5.30 pm (First Mass of Sunday)
  • Sunday 9.00 am & 10.30 am (Sung, family-friendly Mass)
  • Weekdays Tuesday to Friday 9.30 am 

Please see the latest newsletter for possible changes to these timings.


During Sunday Mass 10.30 am.  For children aged 4 years up to their First Holy Communion.  The children are invited to their own special liturgy in the Hall after the start of Mass and rejoin the main congregation at the Offertory.  


During Sunday Mass 10.30 am.  For children up to 4 years accompanied by a parent or carer.  The children are invited to their own special liturgy in the Hall after the start of Mass and rejoin the main congregation at the Offertory.  


Saturday 4.15 to 5.15pm, before and after every Mass, or by appointment.


  • Thursday 7.00pm to 8.00 pm
  • Friday 10.00 am to 10.30 am


We have a camera at the back of church just above the main entrance. This is used to live-stream the 10.30am Mass on Sundays as well as other special Masses and some funerals. Please check the latest newsletter for specific details of this week’s live-streams.

The livestream can be viewed via:

To see our live-streaming guidelines, please click here. Please avoid sitting in the first two benches on either side of the central aisle if you do not wish to be visible on the livestream.


Mass at other local churches: