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Fr Tony’s Golden Jubilee

Over the weekend of 20/21 July 2024 the parish welcomed back our former parish priest of 28 years, Fr Tony Sultana, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood.  Fr Tony was the main celebrant for the Vigil Mass at 5.30pm on Saturday 20 July exactly 50...

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Diocesan Medal for Headteacher

On Friday 12 July 2024 a Mass was held at Farnborough Hill marking the retirement of Paula Dix, head of our two local Catholic schools – St Patrick’s and St Bernadette’s.     Paula has been associated with Catholic primary education in Farnborough for 31 years initially as the reception class...

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Holy Spirit, Languages and Confirmation

We celebrated Pentecost over the weekend of 18/19 May 2024.  The Vigil Mass on Saturday was organised by this year’s Confirmation candidates at the end of their Retreat Day. The 10.30am Mass on Sunday included lively music accompanied by keyboard, guitar, flute and drums. During the scripture readings at the...

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International Agape Shared Meal

The whole parish came together at mid-day on Sunday with an international shared ‘Agape’ meal (a feast to express the Christian love of the community) in celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.   Everyone was invited to bring a savoury or sweet dish from their native country...

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Basic Life Support Course

On Friday 17 May 2024 we welcomed Tom Taylor, a Paramedic Practitioner from Salus Medical Services, who delivered a Basic Life Support Course to a group of parishioners. The course provided instruction on what to do for a person who loses consciousness as a result of a heart attack, choking...

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Good Shepherd Sunday

Praying for Vocations Jesus said “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd is one who lays down his life for his sheep.”  John: 10:11-12 In 1964, Pope Paul VI, launched Vocations Sunday, which we celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Easter, also called ‘Good Shepherd Sunday’ (21 April 2024)....

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Blessing of Easter Foods

On Holy Saturday morning, members of our Polish community brought their Easter baskets of food to the church to be blessed.  Known as Święconką, which is the name for the blessing of the basket of food which is prepared on Holy Saturday, this is one of the most enduring and...

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Easter Flowers

We gave up flowers and Alleluias in our church for Lent.  So it is with joy that we can once more proclaim ‘Alleluia – Christ is Risen’ at the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday Masses and enjoy the beauty of our statues (veiled for the past two weeks) and a...

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Maundy Thursday – Washing of the Feet

The Mass of the Lord’s Supper took place on Maundy Thursday (28 March).   It was a solemn celebration when we remembered the first time Jesus broke bread with his disciples in the upper room.  It is in memory of this moment that we celebrate the Eucharist at every Mass.  It...

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Ministers of Holy Communion Formation Morning

On Saturday 23 March we held the first get-together of Ministers of Holy Communion since before Covid. Adult Formation will form a central element of the OLSD pastoral plan. Fortified by a psalm read by Fr Anthony and coffee from Sharon we refreshed our understanding of the Eucharist by watching...

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