Mamma Margherita Club
Friendship and Fellowship
Yvette MacLeod
The Mamma Margherita Club is a parish social activity for the retired. Its aims are:
- To provide a warm, welcoming space for retired people of all faiths and no faith to meet on a regular monthly basis (usually 2.00-4.00 pm on the second Thursday of each month) to foster friendship and fellowship within our caring Christian community.
- To provide the opportunity to celebrate Mass together, including occasionally, Mass where the Sacrament of Anointment and Healing is available.
- To provide an ‘activity’ each month such as entertainment, informative talks, demonstrations, quizzes or games.
The proposed programme for 2024 is:
- March – Countdown
- April – Talk on Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
- May – Talk on Blue Lamp Trust
- June – Talk on Sean Devereux
- July – Flower Arranging Workshop
- August – Talk on the Empress Eugénie and her influence on FarnboroughÂ
- September – Whist Drive
- October – Talk on Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice
- November – End of year meeting and talk on Machu Pichu
- December – Christmas Party and Quiz
The club is named after Margherita Occhiena Bosco (1788-1856) who was the mother of Saint John Bosco SDB.