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Anointing & Holy Land Talk

This Thursday, the second of the month, was our Mamma Margherita Club meeting. First a Mass with anointing at 2.00 pm. Thank you Father Anthony and thank you Mary for reading. I had never been to an Anointing Mass – what a marvellous experience. Then into the church hall, dues...

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Game of Countdown

On Thursday, March 14th meeting of the Mamma Margherita club, we were delighted to welcome back Core group members Ian and Fina Ledgerwood who have returned safely from their travels to the Philippines. We were also able to welcome several new members from our Parish family and give a special...

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Friendship, Fellowship and Fun with a Christmas theme

Friendship, Fellowship and Fun with a Christmas theme was the order of the day when the Mama Margherita club for retired people held its second meeting on Thursday 14th December.  If you are retired, or semi-retired and would like to come along, don’t hesitate!  You will be more than welcome.  We...

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Bringing Joy and Support to Senior Parishioners

The senior parishioners group of Our Lady and St Dominic rebegan its activities under the patronage of Venerable Mamma Margherita, and the leadership of Ian & Rufina Ledgerwood and Valerie Cooper. The beacons of the group were Teresa Regan and Maureen Buckley who initiated the activity to rebegin the group....

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